Halloween Bluetooth Headset Costume

A little less than a month ago, I moved in with Jessica, one of my college roommates. We wanted to throw a housewarming party to celebrate the 'reunion.' Since Halloween was just around the corner, we set the party on that date and asked that all guests observe the costume guidelines as stated in the Evite:
Given that the party will be on Halloween, we expect everyone to dress up. To help expedite the costume decision-making process, we've picked a theme of Nerdy/Geeky 'Chic'.
Some costume tips (we plan to have a costume contest):
- Consider dressing as a either a nerd/geek OR as something a nerd/geek would like (ex. Laura Croft Tomb Raider)
- Explore the different types of nerd/geeks out there. Steve Urkel does not have to be your inspiration.
- Big Bang Theory, Star Wars, and Battlestar Galactica are good shows/movies for research purposes.
I juggled a few ideas around and settled on dressing up as an abacus (made out of PVC pipe). That idea was quickly shot down by.. pretty much everyone and their mother, so I resorted to plan B - a bluetooth headset.
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