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San Jose Sharks Home Opener

I'm going to take a much needed break from blogging about my projects because: 1) I have been anti-crafting for the past week... tired, and 2) I have a life outside of crafting =)

This is definitely not a secret, but I am an avid San Jose Sharks fan. Having resided in the Bay Area for 26 of the 27 years of my life, it makes sense that I eventually became addicted to hockey. It also helps that my brother was into hockey.

The 2010-2011 NHL season began two weeks ago, and I'd been excitedly waiting for the Sharks to come home. They began their season overseas in Stockholm, Sweden playing the Columbus Blue Jackets in back to back games. This weekend, my babies finally played their home opener, and I went with the usual group of Jon, Chris, Ting, and me. Of course, I was disappointed that they didn't win (we don't need to go into how they were obviously NOT into the game during the third period). Regardless, I'm just glad that hockey is back!

Photos courtesy of Jonathan Lee

Here's a better picture of the group from two seasons ago. Left to right, Chris, me, Ting, and Jon.

Since I feel like every post needs to somehow tie back to crafting, I'll leave you with this: I am giving knitting another chance and making myself a skinny scarf with the leftover yarn from the last scarf I tried to knit. We'll see how it turns out.

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    Assignment and essay writing are methodological and civilized. If the steps of the system and scheme are followed and implemented the success and triumph can be achieved and implement.

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