Crocheted Droid Pouch

I have some exciting news - I had my first real customer! Hayley, my friend and coworker, asked if I'd make a crocheted pouch for her Motorola Droid. I nervously accepted the job. We even scheduled a consultation for her to share her thoughts and ideas and for me to measure her phone and ask any questions. Her criteria ended up being:
- Purple (more blue, less red) body; Off-white (not too yellow) borders and center stripe
- Thin yarn so the phone doesn't end up too bulky
- 1-inch opening at the top (under the flap) so the top of the screen is visible and the side button is accessible
My biggest concern was the yarn because Michaels and Jo-Ann Fabrics don't have the widest selection of yarn colors and thicknesses, so for the first time, I ventured into two different yarn stores. W-O-W. I've never seen so much yarn. Thankfully, I found yarn that fit Hayley's criteria - bluish-purple bamboo yarn and off-white corn yarn (yes, corn!).
Even though I was incredibly nervous throughout the entire process, Hayley's grin upon seeing the finished product helped subside a lot of my fears.
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