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Room Reorganization

There is no need to deny it - I love organizing things. This love combined with my semi-OCD tendencies can make for a deadly combination, which is exactly what happened recently when I realized I had run out of room for my craft supplies and materials. I have also been wanting to 'upgrade' some of the furniture in my room. Once I get thoughts like that in my mind, I will fixate until I find a solution and execute it.

countless hours of online research...
two trips to Ikea...
one yummy cinnamon roll...
several phone calls to locate a screwdriver...
one trip to Michaels...
two near-sleepless nights of reorganizing...

My room is finally done! I found a kitchen cart that provided both ample storage and crafting surface space. I also purchased a simple unfinished wood shelf for my personal items. Yay for finding pieces that look nice and are still practical/functional =)

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