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Made By GC Business Cards

I finally did it.

After months (maybe years) of "all talk but no action", I finally decided to quit my job of six years and pursue a career in design/crafting. Unemployment terrifies me. Being type-A and a control freak, the thought of not having a clear plan stresses me out. But hey, it's been two and a half weeks so far, and I'm still alive and breathing. =) There is a huge list of things I need to do, and I have veeeerrrrry slooooowly been checking off items.

First order of business was to get myself some business cards. I went through MOO to design and print my cards. The coolest part of the process was being able to upload up to 50 of my own patterns to print on the backside. Of course, I went all out and ended up using 10 patterns (do some of them look familiar?) in 5 color schemes.

They finally came, and I couldn't be more pleased. What's more exciting is knowing that I finally have something to hand out when someone asks me if I have a business card!

It's now official: Made By GC is open for business! =)

References (11)

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    Response: Createurs de Luxe
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: Createurs de Luxe
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: Createurs de Luxe
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: Brian Poe
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: Brian Poe
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: Brian Poe
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: Kion Kashefi
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: Kion Kashefi
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: Kion Kashefi
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: Kion Kashefi
    Made By GC - Journal - Made By GC Business Cards
  • Response
    Response: essay proofreader
    It is made by go business cards. It is the card of the inviting and ensuring tendency of the humans. It is the inclusion of the worthy and effective individuals in to the scheme and project.

Reader Comments (1)

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necessary text?

January 17, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterguest

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