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Crocheted Infinity Scarf

I have been seeing infinity (or loop) scarves everywhere, so to prepare for winter, I thought I would try making one for myself. To expand my crocheting horizons, I learned how to do a double stitch for the scarf instead of falling back on my usual single stitch. This proved to be beneficial because the yarn I was using is thick - singles stitches are tight and would leave the scarf too stiff. I didn't want to sew up the ends to make the scarf a permanent loop scarf - what if I needed a regular black scarf? To fix this dilemma, I sewed some awesome silver buttons to one end. The double stitch left me with nice big 'holes', perfect for button holes.

I asked one of my coworkers, Ben, to take pictures of me wearing the scarf both ways. I thought I looked small and awkward and ended up taking another set of photos with my other coworker, Paul, as the model. Who wore it better?

Here are some outtakes. Paul's was not posed!

Reader Comments (1)

It looks cute <3

June 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTINA

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