Makeup Roll-Up With Zippered Pouch (Projects 5 & 11)

I combined two of my projects and skipped projects 6 through 10 (which I plan to go back and finish). Project 5 was a supplies roll-up. You have probably seen one used to hold paintbrushes - like this. I don't really have a need for something like this cause my supplies' sizes are all over the place. It would be difficult to make a one-size-fits-all roll-up. Regardless, I wanted to complete the project and thought about what I could use it as. Makeup! My brushes, pencils, mascara, etc. are all around the same height. The only thing left would be a place to put my eyeshadow and blush. This is where Project 11 entered the picture. A zippered pencil case would be a perfect case to hold my makeup palettes.
I have been reminded several times that the pink textured vinyl is not very visually appealing. I was aware of this when I purchased it, but was too tired to go through even more rolls of printed vinyl at Mood Fabrics. Plus, it wasn't expensive which was selling point!
I'm pretty sure I won't be using this anytime soon, but it's nice to know that I will have it lying around - just in case =)
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