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Padded Laptop Case (Project 18)

The moment Sunny saw "Laptop Case" on my class projects list, she asked if I could make one for her laptop, and of course, I couldn't say no. It's always more fun making things for my friends than for myself. =)

I made a couple changes to original design:

  • Made a zipper closure instead of a loop/button closure
  • Hid the seams inside the case instead of sewing up the sides on the outside

The project calls for 1/2 inch thick foam, and Sunny's laptop is on the bigger end. That deadly combination made the case look a little bit bulky. I jokingly called it a sleeping bag for her laptop. At the end of the day, I'm pleased with how it turned out.

A couple things other things I want to try the next time around:

  • Use neoprene
  • Fill the case with a thinner, denser foam
  • Line the inside with high-quality fleece
  • Experiment with other ways to close the case

By the way, this is the second to last of the class projects I definitely wanted to finish. The Flying Geese Quilt is next in queue, and I'm waiting for my friend to find time to go fabric shopping with me. After that, there are three projects remaining (Curtains, Drafting & Creating A Pattern, and How To Read a Commercial Pattern) that I plan to get around to when I have time, but they are not high priority. I can't believe the end is finally in sight.

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